June 17, 2020, 1:11AM UTC+3

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last wrote here! It's been quite a busy week. School assignments that I had to send, mostly, but then also programming. I spent a lot of days trying to find why XMusic doesn't work on Xbox, and I found the exact same results as stated in DJ4. Then, after getting too frustrated with it, I just stopped development for now (probably until I finally have access to my actual Xbox, so I can test on real hardware instead of an emulator), and started making 3 ports. A space invaders port, a port of a game called Indigo, and Pong. Space Invaders uses SDL 1.2 and I need to get it to SDL2, Indigo uses GL so I would have to use something like xgu-gl (A GL wrapper for a graphics library that a friend over at XboxDev is developing for Xbox hardware graphics), which I am not good enough to use yet. Right now I am porting Pong, which uses SDL2 and should be fairly easy to port. I got it to compile fine for nxdk, but it doesn't render anything, and the PC version just crashes. You can check the repositories for all these on my GitHub profile (Kosmas12). Lastly, there is a suggestion that I port the SDL2 intefrace of the Genesis-Plus-GX emulator to nxdk, which I will probably do at some point this summer. Until the next time everybody!